

Sunday: [9:30 AM - Korean Worship] [11:00 AM - English Worship]

Look what's happening at Christ Life Church

Please join us at one of the following upcoming events.

Events do not define a church but worship does. So, we take our worship services very seriously. 

We do not live stream our worship services but only the sermons. To listen to our sermons, please go to the sermon tab. 

05 Dec

KM Small Group-Thursday

 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Small Group meeting for bible study, prayer, singing and fellowship. 

Members can join by following the link below.



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07 Dec

토요 새벽기도회 Dawn Prayer

 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

The Korean speaking congregation holds traditional Saturday Dawn Prayer Meeting in person. For those who cannot come in person, the entire service is broadcast over Zoom. 

토요 새벽기도회로 초대합니다. 대면기도회로 모입니다. 그러나 혹, 참석을 못하실 분들께서는


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07 Dec

Sat. Prayer (English)

 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

 On Zoom Only - Click Link Below

You can join us for our Saturday morning Zoom Prayer Meeting. Click Zoom link below: 

See you there!


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08 Dec

Korean Service

 9:30 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

We at Christ Life Church invite you to worship with us! No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here! 

CLC교회의 한국어 예배로 여러분을 초청합니다. CLC는 다세대 교회 입니다. 여러분의 자녀나 손자, 손녀들을 데리고 오셔서 오전 11시에 있는 English Fa


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08 Dec

English Family Service

 11:00 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Our English Family Worship Service is our main service. Entire families and generations of families attend this worship service. You are welcome to bring your entire family. You can even bring your baby's carriage or stroller into our sanctuary so that you can have your entire family worship together.

Our worsh


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08 Dec

Fellowship & Lunch

 12:15 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Every LORD's Day is a day of rest and celebration and, at Christ Life Church, most people will remain after the worship services for fellowship over lunch. Our meals are well-prepared and delicious. We serve different meals each week  including Italian, Mexican, American or Korean dishes. You will always find an imp


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08 Dec

Bible Study - Table Talk

 1:15 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Following Fellowship & Lunch, we hold our Bible Study, which we call "Table Talk". This is essentially our Sunday School. We divide the classes by ages and language groups, led by leaders in charge of each group. 

We hope you will be able to join us for Table Talk. 

영어 예배후 친교와 점심을 마친후


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12 Dec

KM Small Group-Thursday

 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Small Group meeting for bible study, prayer, singing and fellowship. 

Members can join by following the link below.



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14 Dec

토요 새벽기도회 Dawn Prayer

 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

The Korean speaking congregation holds traditional Saturday Dawn Prayer Meeting in person. For those who cannot come in person, the entire service is broadcast over Zoom. 

토요 새벽기도회로 초대합니다. 대면기도회로 모입니다. 그러나 혹, 참석을 못하실 분들께서는


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14 Dec

Sat. Prayer (English)

 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

 On Zoom Only - Click Link Below

You can join us for our Saturday morning Zoom Prayer Meeting. Click Zoom link below: 

See you there!


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15 Dec

Korean Service

 9:30 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

We at Christ Life Church invite you to worship with us! No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here! 

CLC교회의 한국어 예배로 여러분을 초청합니다. CLC는 다세대 교회 입니다. 여러분의 자녀나 손자, 손녀들을 데리고 오셔서 오전 11시에 있는 English Fa


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15 Dec

English Family Service

 11:00 AM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Our English Family Worship Service is our main service. Entire families and generations of families attend this worship service. You are welcome to bring your entire family. You can even bring your baby's carriage or stroller into our sanctuary so that you can have your entire family worship together.

Our worsh


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15 Dec

Fellowship & Lunch

 12:15 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Every LORD's Day is a day of rest and celebration and, at Christ Life Church, most people will remain after the worship services for fellowship over lunch. Our meals are well-prepared and delicious. We serve different meals each week  including Italian, Mexican, American or Korean dishes. You will always find an imp


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15 Dec

Bible Study - Table Talk

 1:15 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Following Fellowship & Lunch, we hold our Bible Study, which we call "Table Talk". This is essentially our Sunday School. We divide the classes by ages and language groups, led by leaders in charge of each group. 

We hope you will be able to join us for Table Talk. 

영어 예배후 친교와 점심을 마친후


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19 Dec

KM Small Group-Thursday

 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

 4110 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

Small Group meeting for bible study, prayer, singing and fellowship. 

Members can join by following the link below.



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